Entovegan is:

A plant-based vegan diet boosted by Entomophagy (human consumption of insects and other arthropods). Essentially, it’s plants + insects, and is the ultimate sustainable superfood diet.


  • Hold your individual human life and its perpetuation as the highest ideal.
  • Do the least harm possible, and also seek to do the most good possible for your fellow humans, sentient animals, and the planet’s ecosystems.
  • Exclude meat, dairy, eggs, and other non-pancrustacea animal products from your diet because it is healthier to do so, and significantly more sustainable for the planet as a whole.
  • Eat a plant-based diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and edible insects.
  • Buy and eat local whenever possible.
  • Support farmers, producers, and brands who are transparent about their sustainability practices and who support traceability in their supply chain.
  • Understand that properly farmed insects are the most sustainable natural form of human nutrition on earth.
  • Acknowledge and accept that science to date shows some insects lack a central nervous system, and don’t feel pain.
  • Look at the big picture for what is in the best long-term interest of humanity and the environment.
  • Be grateful for the sustenance you receive from the natural earth, produced by the minds and hands of your fellow humans.
  • Seek to be in balance and harmony with nature and people, respecting the needs and life cycles of each as valid for their existence.
  • Adhere to the non-aggression principle in all situations with other people – live and let live.


Eat a sustainably grown diet based on the most nutritious plants and insects:

  • Exclude all meat, fish, poultry, dairy, and eggs
  • Include Entomophagy, eating insects and insect by-products which are reared and harvested ethically and sustainably (e.g. sustainably harvested ant eggs or sustainably produced honey are ok, plus the basics such as crickets from rural farmers in tropical zones rather than industrial insect factories, unless they are low-impact, energy efficient facilities)
  • Include Pancrustacea (insects as well as crustaceans, including shrimp and krill oil)*
  • Include all fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains, focusing on the ones with the most nutritional value (i.e. preferring job’s tears or quinoa to white rice)
  • Avoid processed foods, refined sugar, and all artificial flavors / colors / preservatives
  • Plant-based supplementation can be done as needed regarding certain vitamins & minerals
  • Get 15-20 minutes of unblocked sunshine per day on as much of your skin as possible, in order to facilitate the body’s natural production of the vital hormone Vitamin D

*Shrimp and other crustaceans are within the Pancrustacea clade and are acceptable to eat, but must be harvested ethically and sustainably, such as eco-friendly Krill Oil. I don’t recommend eating any lobster, though, simply because there is still no sustainable way to farm them or harvest them that I know of.


The goal is the healthiest, most natural, most enjoyable life possible – there is no guilt, shame, or emotional nonsense if you eat something you shouldn’t have eaten.

So don’t be distraught if you eat something accidentally that had some egg, or some dairy, or even some meat in it, or touching it. The goal is an overall lifestyle change, not strict adherence to a dogma.

This is not in any way a dogmatic form of eating or living – extremism is not acceptable. This isn’t about being a social justice warrior, it’s about living as healthy as possible to maximize your own potential in life!

And as you become your best self day-by-day, that brings a sense of satisfaction and joy.


With that said, the only person who is impacted by “cheating” on a healthy lifestyle, is you. So while guilt shouldn’t factor into your decisions, an objective look at those decisions through the lens of your stated goal to eat and live as an Entovegan is necessary.

The sum of your life will be a direct result of your self-discipline. Earn your own self-respect by sticking with the guidelines you’ve chosen to follow for the Entovegan diet, exercise (leading to entogains!), and internal personal growth.


  • Go with the flow, and don’t be an insufferable party fail when eating with groups of people who are not Entovegan – go about your eating habits quietly, and don’t proselytize for Entoveganism to people who don’t want to hear about it.
  • Talk about the Entovegan diet only with those who genuinely are interested in hearing about the concept, and speak without judgment or condemnation of other choices – this is, after all, a diet and lifestyle choice based in nutritional science and environmental sustainability, not based on virtue signaling.
  • Don’t be offended at negative comments that come your way because of how you choose to eat or not eat. Give others grace in their food and lifestyle choices, and do not try and change them. Live and let live.
  • Demonstrate the efficacy of the Entovegan diet, by being healthy, fit, and happy!

As Entovegan is a lifestyle based on sustainable health, it’s best to focus on these positive changes you are making, rather than to speak negatively about what you’re leaving behind.

Also, give yourself time for your palate to change (it only takes a couple months of consistency), to find yourself craving job’s tears and raw vegetables and roasted crickets, rather than the other unhealthy and unsustainable processed or animal-based foods which you used to enjoy.

Additionally, the common criticisms of a standard vegan diet regarding a lack of vitamins and nutrients, can be met by an increase in the diet of edible insects which contain large amounts of B12, calcium, iron, zinc, are a complete protein, support a healthy gut micro-biome, and much more.

Entovegan is truly the most sustainable, most nutritious dietary framework in existence today. 


Buy edible insects at Ento Market!

Get your edible insects at Ento Market!



Cogastro compliance and efficiency for insect farming

Cogastro provides a full software system designed for data collection and maximizing the efficiency of your insect farm and production


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Point68 certified organic active botanicals plus soldier grub oil
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